Sunday, July 09, 2006


I haven’t been in this predicament for years. For some reason with Steve having such a long “weekend” and last week flying by like a super sonic jet I haven’t done any of my laundry. Sure, everyone else seems to have clean clothes, but somehow mine got skipped. I knew it was coming, but I had hoped that some sort of miracle would take place in my laundry room, and I would magically have clean clothes by the time I woke up this morning. Much to my dismay no magic occurred, and I awoke to find not even the holiest pair of underwear in my drawer. I don’t know about you, but this is a serious issue. It's not like I could borrow a pair from the teens...I had to decide whether or not I wanted to dig into the long forgotten lingerie draw and find something a little more, um, unpleasant to wear than say, Hanes Her Way. Why is it a big deal you ask? I have had six children. I don’t do “special” underwear anymore. For heaven’s sake, what if I got in a car wreck, and they had to cut my clothes off of me. It would be horrifying. I’ll spare you the details of that little scenario. I panicked, of course. I started digging through every clean laundry basket in the house to find that last hidden pair. I knew it had to be there. Life was not that cruel. Was it cruel you ask, or was it on my side? I am sorry, but I am going to leave you in agony over this very important issue. I am going to go do some laundry.


Shellie said...

Um, swimsuit! That would require spandex....

Anonymous said...

Very amusing but I think I'll stay out of this one. It anin't my department. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

You know that these items can be ordered online, right? They deliver them right to your house! Of course then you have to explain to the kids that it is underwear and not presents. Hmmmm....I wonder if they have emergency shipments from Victoria Secret?