Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Rest of the Story

Alright, now that I have your attention I will give you the whole story. It is one of those stories that we talk about and tell other people when they come over for chicken on the BBQ. It makes my kids and I laugh. Steve slept through it all so doesn't contribute much to the story telling.

I had a neighbor, whom since has moved, that had one of those kids who just wouldn't leave home. Even after she sold the house he still broke in and slept in the garage! The guy was a piece of work. Actually when he was sober he was a really nice kid, but get him drinking and he was interesting to say the least. He loved to drink and have partys when his mom was not around so one weekend she was gone and the party got hopin'. I was pretty good friends with her so she would ask me to keep an eye on things. She had also asked me to adopt her dog because she wasn't home much, and he loved it at our house because of the boys. The dog had been her sons before he got kicked out of his umpteenth apartment.

I would have been fine with his party if he would have kept it in the house, but as it goes they came out of the house. They were fighting, cursing, yelling, and then they got in their cars. That made the choice easy for me to call the police. No drinking and driving in my neighborhood!

Well, of course he knew that it was most likely me that called the police so the story happened as I said. He is 1/16 or so Indian and let's say, very proud of his heritage. He even gets a check from the tribe once per month. So, yes he really was doing an Indian war cry and as his garage door was closing his head was poking in and out as he was doing this war cry. It was hysterical, but a little frightening also. So, the girls and I actually do joke around that he was going to scalp me because honestly, I think he wanted to. I know it is not nice to assume, but he was doing a WAR CRY for goodness sake!

The next day he apologized, so I still have my scalp, and thankfully his mother moved into a one bedroom home on the river.


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! What a CRAZY story! I can't believe he would go that?! Anyhoo, it is funny and I am glad you still have your hair. :) Love, Missy

SnowWhite said...

did it rain cause maybe it was just a rain dance honey, this blog is funnier than mine at the moment, so much for the funny bone lol