Saturday, October 21, 2006

Beat the Gamas

Oh, it has been a long week. Everything this week seems to be taking three times the amount of time that it should. Today was...Fascinating in a way. I could tell you many stories from my day, like having no checks in my checkbook or elderly gentlemen running into me, but I will stick with my Jo Ann Fabrics' story. Everyone that sews decided that today was the day to go to Jo Ann Fabrics. I don't sew, but I do tie. So, I went to get some Denver Bronco material for some pillows for my nephews for Christmas. I tell the boys that if they are good in mommy's store we will go next door and get Joey a ball at Petco. I meander over to the fabric area, and it is PACKED!!@!@! I draw a number before I even get my fabric thinking there might be a delay if I didn't. I look at the little piece of paper in my hand that tells me my fate, and it is the number 9. I go to get my material and I hear..."Serving number 35 at the cutting counter. Number 35." I retrieve my little white piece of paper from Evan's sticky, sweaty hand to see if I miss read the number. Surely, this can't be right. SEVENTY-FOUR people before me. It is true... Evan speaks up then to a couple of gray haired ladies who have been there for 30 minutes and still have twenty numbers to go, "Hi gama." I sheepishly turn and tell them that is a compliment. Luckily, because he is so darn cute they smile and accept the compliment. Then I hear, "Mommy have I been good. Can we please go to get Joey a ball?" To this I respond, "Yes, Ian, you have been good. Let's go get Joey a ball." We smile politely at the older gamas and get the heck out of Dodge. Tomorrow I will rise early and set off to Jo Ann Fabrics to see if I can beat the gamas. Wish me luck. They are numerous and sewing is in the air.


Anonymous said...

You should write a book!! Will it make you feel any better to know that #9 has always been my favorite #. What I want to know is what that sticky was in Evan's hand & how long had it been there? I sure would have liked to be one of the gamas Ian got to talk to. We are too far away from those precious babies.

Shellie said...

Just left over candy from our trip to the bank. When we see the tube coming back out to the car I always say, "Here comes the sucker machine." They think I go to the bank to get them candy. :-)

Anonymous said...

All I know is it's so nice to know I'm not alone in the world. :) Thank you for always bringing humor to the "special" moments in life. Krista make may be your biggest fan, but I'm pretty sure I run a close second! I love reading your stories!

SnowWhite said...

all these queues and it isn't even Christmas yet arghh

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the winter weather is pending and that signals Christmas Gift making time!!! I was there with you!!! Just in a different fabric store!!! It wasn't as big of a deal when I was without a baby to lug around!!
And now I know why mom's are usually out of shape... how do you get to the gym when you have to get a baby sitter all the time!?!?!?!?! Doing anything takes twice as long, but hey, it's all worth it (i just have to remind myself) and it's nice to know that I'm not alone :)

Unknown said...

Neat story. I enjoyed it!