Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Sign of the Times

The little munchkin, Evan, wouldn't go to sleep because he had taken a nap during the day. Coral was tending to him, trying to get him to go to sleep. I was sitting down after a long day with conflicting thoughts like, "I don't think I can give up his nap time just so he will go to sleep at night." "I don't think I can have him not go to sleep at night." "What am I going to do with him!" "Why did God think I needed more patience."

As I was sitting there trying to relax a bit my cell phone rang. "Who in the world would be calling me on my cell phone?"I say to Steve as I race through the house to grab it. It is Coral. Yes, Coral. Remember Coral is upstairs in her room with the wide awake munchkin. I answer. She informs me that Evan needs changed, and she is sending him down.

The moment I hang up my cell phone I see Steve charging towards the stairs to chase Evan back up the stairs. This causes Coral to have to call my cell on her cell again. I am thinking to myself, "Thank goodness for free night and mobile to mobile calling plans."

Before I sound like I am judging Coral, I am not. I am guilty of this little convenience as well. It is much easier than standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling for her to come when dinner is ready, the house phone rings for her, etc. It just struck me as weird that we would place a call that has to bump off some satellite somewhere over Russia to reach someone on a different story of our house. That's all. Just a little weird.


Anonymous said...

Excellent thought. It is a little weird when you stop and think about all these technological conveniences we have now days. Sure glad you have your Blog. Give them all a hug and one for you too. Love, Mom and Dad

SnowWhite said...

thats technology for you lol