Sunday, July 22, 2007

use it or lose it

I took my first terminology test yesterday and got a 96%. I missed one. I was so freaked out by the time I took it I am surprised I passed it. I finally just had to go do it. I feel like I can relax a little bit now as far as the unknown because it is all becoming a little clearer at this point. I am starting to understand what is expected of me.

I love it, also. It is so nice to have something mentally challenging. I felt like I was getting Alzheimer's there for awhile because I seriously couldn't remember a thing. I feel clearer in my thinking now. It is kind of amazing. I guess the saying "use it or lose it" is true in this case.


Arlene said...

Of course you almost aced your first exam. Did I ever tell you that I'm certified to teach Medical Terminology by the Oregon State Board of Education? Must be hereditary...!

Anonymous said...

Good Job!!! And I used to work in a doctor's office for 10 years and was a medical transcriptionist for 6 of those! So it must be hereditary!
