Today Coral announced she has dry socket, Ian has a green runny nose, Evan took 2 donuts after he had already had one and had two suckers in his hands when I took him out of the shower. What? I can only imagine what his pancreas was going through. And I worry about him having dairy. The halloween candy is now in the garbage, Ian is ampt up on Vitamins, and Coral has tea bags stuck where her wisdom teeth use to be. And my other three kids??? Good....Nothing to report at this moment.
They were all here for Thanksgiving. I love those days when my house is full, and everyone is happy and loving. I can hear them joking and teasing each other. Those are the days I feel really whole. Those are the days that remind me of when my sister, brother, and I are together. Laughing until we wet our pants. Family is a good thing. I am very blessed. Oh ya, just in case you forgot, I gave birth to all of these people. How did I get so lucky? Can you see the look of mischief on Evan's face? Oh my goodness....the places I have gone and the places I am step at a time.

Ah, memories. My mom was one of four sisters. Every time they got together, they would start to reminisce and laugh so hard that one or more of them wet her pants.
We kids always tried to guess which one would be first.
Wonderful picture of a beautiful family. One day at a time.
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