Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Lindsey!

Today you are 15. I could go on and on about how time flies, but we already know that. So, I will just say, Lindsey, you are the greatest. You brighten my day. Your smile is like sunshine....I love you, and I am so thankful God chose me to be your mommy.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lindsey my birthday buddy!!! Wow 15 already!?!?! CRAZY! You girls are growing up sooo fast! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

Arlene said...

Happy birthday to a beautiful young lady!

love, Mimi and Grampa George

Arlene said...

Happy birthday to someone who is more beautiful every time I see her.

love, Mimi

Anonymous said...

happy birthday lindsey!!!!!!!!!! i hope you have a great one!!!
(did you eat all the sherbert ice cream)!!!!!
amanda :)

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday! Have a wonderful birthday Lindsey!! 15 is a wonderful year! We Love You, Uncle Marq, Aunt Kelly, Justin & Alec

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful birthday my dear Lindsey !!! I hope this year brings you everything you could hope for and more.
