Once upon a time there was a girl, we will call her Mrs. D who had a sister, we will call her Mrs. W. Her sister was married to a man, Mr. W, who likes to be funny, and amazingly he has a sister also. They have a mother-we will not call her anything out of respect. Their mother is very kind and likes to give away things on the holidays such as turkey carcasses and left-over pecan pies. Maybe, once in awhile, she will even give away a nice ham bone. If there are no takers in her family, the nice lady will try to give the ham bone away to her daughter-in-law's sister to make a nice soup.
Although the gift was declined due to the fact that Mrs. D had her own ham bone, the pranksters in the family could not rest. So, they broke the law. They committed a federal offense. Two middle-aged men-we will call them Mr. W and Mr. D, tin foil, black sharpies, trash bags to prevent leakage, and left-over Styrofoam. Mrs. W and Mrs. D were completely innocent in the whole process.These law-breaking men froze the ham bone that belonged to Mrs. D and sent it through the United States Postal Service to Mr. W's sister-we will call her Mrs. H. They skidded into the USPS at 5:10. Although they missed the deadline at the main desk, they were able to do a self-service mailing with a delivery date of the next day, if everything went as planned with this government service. Otherwise, it would arrive on New Year's Day...at which time the USPS would know something fishy was up. During the process, they were asked if they were mailing anything perishable. They said NO. Thus, the federal offense. Fortunately, the ham bone made it to it's desired location and was boiled into a nice pot of soup the next day.
Mrs. D and Mr. W are waiting anxiously for Mrs. H to retaliate. They are a little frightened. Maybe a turkey leg or a little left over guacamole dip is in their future.
Once again this is fictional, and the picture included is strictly an example of what this might have looked like had it actually happened. I cannot be held liable if this looks like something you might have experienced.

o my gosh. that is so funny that these "imaginary mr. W and MR. D" would do that. haha
Maybe Mrs. H will bake a cake with a file in it for the phantom felons.
Maybe Mrs. H will bake a cake with a file in it for the phantom felons.
Did I just stutter???
Funny story but mine is true, My Grandpa actually gave josh a ham bone that he sanded down to look like a ring after he proposed.. Amazing that he stuck around.
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