Did you see me on the news? I didn't see me, but I was told that I actually was. Not only did they show me, they talked about me. Please don't even tell me if I look as bad as I think I did. Be gentle. No makeup, ponytail, the works. I did not find them. They found me. They came to my door. It was marvelous... Why was I on the news? A tornado came down our street or over our house or whatever. It doesn't really matter. We are fine, the house is fine, but there is debris everywhere from the trees. It wasn't a big tornado....to the machine or people who know what the heck to do in a tornado. All I know is that it was big enough for me. I shoved my boys in the closet when I saw it lift my neighbor's trash cans into the air and put them down four houses later, and I envision the roof being lifted off our house or our tree splitting our house in two. It looked like some kind of entity going down the street. We ran for cover. I am use to wind storms. I am use to sideways rain. This was not either.
Here is a picture of our street after the storm. 
You have to remember, I live in the Pacific Northwest. I don't know how to react or feel when something like this happens. It scared me. If you think I am a wimp and giggle a little at me, it is OK. Giggle on and hats off to those of you who have braved these things often.

I saw you on Channel 6 twice yesterday and again this morning. You looked perfectly fine. It was only about a ten second piece. So glad you experienced no damage. It could have been pretty hairy if you had been standing on the corner waiting for Ian's school bus.
Awww... BUMMER!!! I didn't get to see you!!! Yeah, I'm with you.. we are NOT supposed to have this kind of thing happen out here!!! That's why we live here! I thank my parents at least once a year for moving out of Ohio to raise us!!! :)
Sorry about the mess... but for the record... IT WASN'T ME!! :):):)
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