I have probably said it before, but I honestly think my kids have some kind of radar that goes off whenever I go to the bathroom. I don't think I have ever gone to the bathroom without someone knocking on the door, standing outside of the door,
texting me, or calling my name. Seriously. What is up with that?
Ha ha ha... yep, I don't know what it is... Vienna does the same thing... I go in to pee and she busts the door down or she sticks her little foot or little hand under the door... thankfully she's young enough that it's still cute! I mean, I can sit in a room with her for hours and she pays me no attention, but the moment I step away for a little private time and suddenly she's going to die without my attention :) ahhhh motherhood :)
Could it be similar to when mom closes her eyes for a cat nap, and the kids poke her to make sure she's not dead? Maybe they're afraid you'll accidentally flush yourself down the toilet and never come back. They love you.
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