Monday, April 28, 2008

A Poll

I am wondering if you can help me with something? I am wondering how many people you have seen with missing limbs that have been cut off by fast moving vehicles whipping by their car windows? I was also wondering how many of you have seen people missing eyes from falling on sticks while running? I have to admit I have met one person with a missing eye from a stick. But it didn't stick him in the eye while he was running. He got hit in the eye while walking through the woods, and someone let the branch go. Did they never walk through the forest with a forester? For goodness sake! Did that person's friend not learn that you always hold the branch for the person behind you?

Anyway, back to the subject. I wonder why we as mothers tell our kids they are going to get their hand knocked off if they stick their arm out the window while the car is moving. When I was little I did it on purpose to see if it would "work." By my estimate a child's arm can reach about 5 inches or so out of the window, and in my opinion at this stage of the game, we would have much bigger problems if a car was driving 5 inches from our car window. Don't get me wrong. I don't let my kids hang out of the windows while we are driving. It just struck me as funny today when I said it to Evan. Even after I analyzed my statement, I still repeated it and added an "I am serious" to it. Hmm, I wonder how big the ball of gum is in his stomach.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha... you crack me up! I thought I was the only one who analyzed such things! I've never met anyone missing a limb or an eye from doing either of the things you mentioned. I did see on the news however a kid carrying a butter knife fell and put it through his eye, but it went above and he didn't loose his eye. and I at one time did get a rather nasty bruise from a bug hitting my hand as we flew down the freeway with my hand out the window, but it only lasted a day or two :) ha ha... but yeah, it only takes that one freak accident that you don't ever fully recover from, and that's I think what us mom's worry about :)

Arlene said...

The dire warning I remember is when I started dating. My mother often said, "It only takes ONE TIME, and you could get pregnant!" I know some people who proved that to be true.