I made these dresses for my kids. No I did not make them out of curtains. They were actually
a lot of work and probably the last things I really sewed because they took so long. But the girls were worth it all. Aren't they precious?

Oh, and just so you know, I am better now. There is nothing quite like crying for 2 days to make you feel human again. I am off to embrace middle age and the things it brings. Thanks for the listening ear.
Adorable. Is that a bird on Tiffani's hat?
Oh my goodness! those are the beautiful little girls I remember before they turned into these gorgeous young women!
I don't think my girls are going to get any hand made clothes from me... there's no way I'd ever finish I don't think! You're a champ!
That is Lindsey, actually. It is ribbon I think.
Tiffani is almost 9, Coral had just turned 7, Lindsey was 4, and Amanda was 15 months.
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