Friday, July 04, 2008

If you need them to stop eating so much sugar, do this...

"You should have said, "No more for Evan!"

I go to OHSU twice a week. They know us there. My boys are so adorable that even the head of the dermatology department thinks they are cute. He is the guy with the gray hair, big degree, big office, lots of money, no worries about gas prices. Ya, him. His big office has candy, so the nurse took them to "raid" it today. He loved it. I felt important because I was the mother of the 2 little boys roaming the sacred, private halls of one of the largest university hospitals in the country. I wasn't invited mind you. I had to sit on the crinkly safety paper waiting to have my hands lasered. No chocolate for mommy.

We got in the car. I had said yes to the sucker even though they had one piece of licorice. I was feeling generous. But, half way home, Evan says the above to me. Wow. I almost hit a passing car trying to reach in the backseat to save my son from pancreatic failure. He has never even said that to me the day after Halloween. So, I asked him why. Ian says, "He had 2 pieces of licorice, chocolate, and a sucker." And then Evan adds, "And chocolate milk." Then I am sure Ian said, "Maybe you should spank him when we get home," because that is what he says whenever Evan does anything. The only variation of his attitude is when he thinks Evan should get two spankings instead of one. Actually by the time we got home today, Ian had decided Evan needed four swats. I thought he only deserved three, but that is another story.

Once again, being the good mother that I am, I have taught my children well. Too much candy will give you a tummy ache, even if it is from a rich doctor's office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story Shellie ! Your boys are so adorable. I can't wait until Matthew is older and they can all get into trouble together.

Love you,