Sunday, June 25, 2006

Pregnant Again

Owww! Gotcha didn't I? This is what goes through my mind in October~What? I am pregnant again? I guess one might say that I am good at having babies this time of year. Maybe I just go on too many vacations in October! Give me a margarita and some time away from home and presto, I have another baby. So now we have the rule of no vacations in October, and no October. That way I can stay stressed out, and with the help of a tubal ligation and a vasectomy I might not get pregnant again. Yah, right...We'll see. We drove by a garage sale today and they were selling all their baby stuff. Steve said, "Those poor people. They are going to get pregnant." It is a sure fire thing that when you sell your baby stuff you will get pregnant. I have learned that from experience also. It has happened to me three times. So we have also added no selling baby stuff at a garage sale to our list of things not to do in October. So basically we don't do much in October...At least fun stuff. I am so glad though that God has blessed me so abundantly with the three summer babies I have. My youngest, Evan, is two today, and my oldest, Tiffani, will be 18 on the 27th. Then there is Ian who will be four a week later. Wow! All miracles...all amazing. How time flies. Sixteen more years and I will be "retired". Steve and I will retire the same year. Isn't that weird? I asked him if we could move to Tahiti and he said plane tickets to see the grandkids would be too much....Bummer. I guess I'll just drive to the beach and have a margarita. Alone of course....
Oh, I just realized the dates are wrong on the there a way to change that? They were all just taken in the past couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

However, it would be fun to go through it together and encourage me to move forward with my plans.....Happy Birthday Evan. Happy Birthday Tiffani, and Happy Birthday Evan. Shellie, your family is so beautiful. You and Steve should be so proud of the work you've done! You are truly an amazing woman! May God give you the peace that truly passes all understanding today!

Shellie said...

Thank you, Melissa,for the encouragement. I am thankful for what God has done. Sorry about the title. I had to get your attention somehow. You would have know by now, though, if I was pregnant. You would have hear the scream...

Anonymous said...

Don't tempt fate my dear sister:)

Anonymous said...

I will if you will......(I feel pretty safe saying that). Kelly K

Anonymous said...

Well, now that you've given your dear old mother-in-law a major heart attack, I'll try to get through the rest of the day. Our love to the birthday babe and babies and all the others too.