I am writing because my husband is watching a pot-banger. You know what I'm talking about. It is the kind of movie that makes you get up and wash dirty pans or wash his dirty undies because you would rather do anything else but watch it. Guess what it is? Rambo. Ya, I know. Hello. Is there anything that could be worse. I thought last night was bad when he was watching Spiderman. But, no. It is worse tonight.
Steve loves to make fun of my red-neck sayings. I will say something and he will laugh. He is not the laugh out loud kind of guy so it gives him a real kick to hear me humiliate myself by using words like pot-banger. When I told him he was watching a pot-banger last night he actually said, "Go write that word on your blog." Then he laughed. Some of his other favorites are switch-back or gully-washer. Notice how they are all hyphenated? Why is that? Red necks only know how to speak in hyphenated words? I also use words like ebow and musim. (Elbow and Museum) The sad thing is I actually think these are words that the everyday citizen of the United States uses.
Oh, well. I grew up in a county that had 500 people in it, most of whom were, let's just say, a little unpolished and close in relations to one another. I was a transplant to this little mountain town in Colorado. Not bred or born there much to my relief. I'll save those stories for another day. I kind of like using these words though, and hey, anything to keep him entertained....
I guess I made him sound belittling. It is all good innocent fun...I think:)It is actually pretty funny to me also. Welcome back to the USA!
I hold the copyright to the phrase "pot-banger movie" from when mom would visit. It would get so loud you couldn't hear the movie.
My favorite redneck word is "witchaditcha".....
"You didn't happen to bring that Rambo DVD witchaditcha?"
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