Monday, November 13, 2006

The Answer

Steve and I were having an intense conversation...You know the kind maybe. Most of you might call it a fight. We were sitting in the family room discussing something life changing I am sure since neither one of us can remember what it was. The boys were in the living room because they had just let Ryan, Coral's boyfriend, in the house. We had given him some paint for his room, and he brought back what he didn't need. Teenage boys don't quite get two year old boys. They have lost all memory of what they did to their mothers. Suddenly he bursts into the room yelling we have an emergency because Evan spilled paint on our carpet. Ryan had not put the paint back in the garage, but he had brought into the living room! On top of that he had not tapped the lid back on tightly. So, Evan picked it up and dumped it all, one whole gallon, onto my carpet. Right inside the entry way of the house. Did I mention that it was black? Needless to say we considered just spreading it out and dying our carpet black with it. Amazingly, we got most of it up. We own a shampooer thank the Lord, and I really mean that. We poured gallons of water onto the carpet and then suck it up. Repeat, repeat, repeat....For an hour or so. It looks pretty good...If you stand at the right angle. The lighting is bad in here thankfully. :-)

Next, he took a marker and colored all over my dining room table. Once again thank God for little white magic sponges. It mostly came up. The finish isn't quite as shiny, but no marker.

Finally he took Ryan's shaving cream and started making a mess with that. My computer wasn't working so I hadn't read Shona's comment about shaving cream taking the throw-up smell out of the carpet from a few days before that. I wonder how it would have worked on paint.


Shellie said...

Just a small strip. He decided against it. That is why he brought the paint back. I guess it looks great! He chose red.

SnowWhite said...

LMBO at you, the penny just dropped on the magic sponges lol
and I may even have a clue on the black sharpie, is it a NIKO or a permenant marker

Shellie said...

Permanent~very permanent. The sponge did the job though. Just took the finish off everything, but at least the black is gone. What's the clue? Also, please tell me again what LMBO stands for. After nursing six babies I haven't the ability to figure most of these things out. :-)