Friday, November 17, 2006


In light of Thanksgiving being a week away I thought I would talk about thankfulness. Each year at Thanksgiving we have a tradition of going around the table and expressing things that we are thankful for. I love this tradition. It is a time to reflect and get a glimpse into each others' hearts. A time to be vulnerable in our safe surrounding. It always amazes me how each year, teary eyed, I tend to come up with the same things. No matter what has happened in my year it all comes down to my family and the life we have created here is this amazing home God has blessed us with. So, each year I anxiously await my turn to tell my family I am thankful for them. My husband and children, for better or worse, my life would be empty without them. So, hopefully my family won't be sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for something new to come from these lips, because they will hear the same consistent truth...They are my joy, they are my life.

1 comment:

SnowWhite said...

very sweet but oh so true