Saturday, December 16, 2006

I Am Deserving Him

I know, I know, I am a slacker. I haven't written in forever. So, here is my final blog entry for 2006 because I know I will most likely be too busy from now until the 31st to write again.

Ian got the greatest present today. A friend of ours moved today, and he had been storing some large items in a large box at our house. He picked up the items and left the box. I just said something to Ian who is "surfing" on the box, and he very emphatically told me I was "deserving" him and a few other adorable tries at the word distracting. He then turned down my festive Christmas music saying that was "deserving" him as well and continue on his way. His greatest concern at this point is that I am going to snatch his box away from him. He is constantly asking me what I am going to do with his box when I am finished cleaning the house. He just asked if he can keep it under the hockey table. I am feeling generous so I think I will let him. He is too cute.

We are going to celebrate Christmas with my parents this year. I honestly don't remember the last time I spent Christmas away from home. Maybe 14 years or so. I have had people here, but I don't think I have gone anywhere. Who knows though. I have memory loss extremely bad these days.

I was talking to my dad today on the way to the mailbox, and I was telling him how someone had lost a bunch of shingles off their roof during the severe wind storm we just had. I turned around, and it was our roof. Scary this adult thing. Fortunately we are only out under $20.00 because I have a husband who can do the work. Yea!

I hope that as you celebrate the birth of our savior that you have a blessed Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

SnowWhite said...

merry christmas honey, ihope you and the family have a great one. Sorry i have not caught up for a while. liFE HUH.
til next year take care