This morning I was doing some reading while everyone else was still sleeping. No school today. Evan was with me, and because I was trying to read some things that were important I let him watch Clifford for awhile. A Curious George commercial came on, and he said, "Look! Gampa George!" He calls Steve's dad Gampa George, and I would have to say that I don't know if I have met anyone more curious than George. And just to clear things up I mean curious in the sense of wanting to figure things out, not the curious like peculiar. This curiosity is probably why Gampa George is so smart, and maybe it explains a little bit of why his two year old grandson does some of the things he does.
I thought Ian was the more curious - but I guess Evan acts more on his curiosity - takes things apart. I did that too - took things apart - didn't always get them back together the same way. But it just then became a new and "different" toy. Good training towards becoming an engineer. So don't let them lose their "curiosity."
Gampa George
Just get those guys a couple nerd packs, and they're set to go.
Another engineer.
Shellie! I just came over from beaw and DEAR LORD IN HEAVEN, you have SEVEN KIDS????? How do you do it? I am in sheer awe! You are incredible. I need to lie down after putting two to bed.
I bet 39 looks GREAT on you too.
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