Thursday, January 11, 2007

Newer Model?

I am feeling old. Today I actually said the words 39 out loud to Steve. He choked on the dust. I feel warn out, like I need a overhaul. Times change you. Having six babies changes you. So, the point. I don't know how I got here, to almost 39.

I started kind of feeling sorry for myself. Steve and I were resting on our bed listening to the boys race hotwheels along the shower walls. They love playing hotwheels in the shower. I asked Steve to promise me he wouldn't exchange me for a younger model, and he laughed and asked why he would exchange a vintage classic, for a cheaply made sports car. Vintage classic was a little more than I was looking for, but I'll take it. Kind of went along with the car noises coming from the shower. Must be a guy thing.


Anonymous said...

Oh to be 39 again(or maybe not, 1 time for each new year, each new phase, etc. is enough for any one). Just glory in the present, bask in the past, annd pray that the future doesn't come too fast.

SnowWhite said...

what lovely comment from hubby, Joe would just trade lol, well now I am starting to thicken at the waist lol
your only as young as who you feel, preferably guys over 21 ok honey lol