Friday, February 02, 2007

Do They Always Have To Think I Am Pregnant?

A few nights ago, after I wrote my last insane blog entry, I went to a movie and dinner with a friend. I was contemplating whether or not I should call her, if it was worth putting make-up on my teenage-boy-puberty stricken face, when she called me. I obviously needed to get out. After the movie we were sitting in the restaurant and all of a sudden that familiar feeling came over me. I know it well. The churning, that fainting feeling, the breaking out in a cold sweat. I asked to go, and my sweet friend drove as fast as she could home to prevent me barfing in her car. She was so kind, and fortunately I made it to the side of my house before throwing up at least a month's worth of something.

The next day as I was telling my daughter the gory details she became very quiet. She is 16 years old, and I remember when she was two she would go into the bathroom when I was pregnant with my third, lifting the toilet seat, gagging, and pretending to throw-up. That is what she saw me do, so she did it. It is what we did all day. I noticed her lack of words which is something in itself. She doesn't run out of words...Ever. She half whispers to me in a panicked voice, "Are you pregnant?" I say to myself, "Can't a girl throw-up without the whole world thinking she is pregnant?" Honestly...What's that all about!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha!! RIGHT THERE WITH YA SISTER!!! I got the same thing when I got the flu last month!! I also get it EVERY TIME I turn down a cup of coffee around my family (my inability to be in the same room with coffee while pregnant... an utter roll reversal for me, queen of coffee... has left that to be the major "tell" for my family!)

I really hope you are feeling better!!