Thursday, February 21, 2008

I can't wait for winter to be over....

Yes, we are still alive. Fevers, pneumonia, etc. have totally consumed our house. I think everyone is on the mend though. The sun is out, I planted primroses, the windows are all open, and fresh air is coming into my germ-infested house. I think there is light at the end of this tunnel. It has been a very loooong week.


Anonymous said...

Oh Shellie!!! Hang in there!!
We are right there with you... Vienna's had high fevers with a bladder infection and now she has the creeping crud sinus and lung thing :( it's not been a pretty three weeks in this house yet either... we too are blowing out the nasties with all the windows open!! Yeah... Summer come quickly (just not too hot, this baby is already trying to kill me, and if it's hot he/she might just succeed!!)

Anonymous said...

Oh Shellie!!! Hang in there!!
We are right there with you... Vienna's had high fevers with a bladder infection and now she has the creeping crud sinus and lung thing :( it's not been a pretty three weeks in this house yet either... we too are blowing out the nasties with all the windows open!! Yeah... Summer come quickly (just not too hot, this baby is already trying to kill me, and if it's hot he/she might just succeed!!)

Anonymous said...

Yes, we've all been sick for about 10 days now. I can't wait until we all start feeling better and can enjoy some of the sun we've been having. I think next winter, we'll hibernate from November through March.
