Monday, March 17, 2008

Lessons Learned

In life we learn things we will never forget. These are such unforgettable moments that they are forever stamped on our memory. All of us have had these experiences from time to time, and we try to share the wisdom we have gained with those we love to keep them from making the same mistakes we have made. If only we could learn how to take the advice of those who have gone before us, we could spare ourselves the humiliation and sometimes the pain we experience by making these mistakes ourselves. Today was one of those days for our little Evan. Today, Evan learned to never pee with roller skates on, or Spiderman wheelies to be exact. Following a huge crash of the toilet seat and a loud scream, Amanda and I rushed in to find a little boy who had plunged both arms into the toilet on his way down. Fortunately, he had not really started the process yet. It is a good thing that he hadn't.


Arlene said...

Guess that's why it's called "taking a whizz."

Anonymous said...

Poor little Evan! He will write a book someday.
