The boys love to snuggle me in my big comfy bed and tell stories. I tell stories, and then they tell stories. It is so cute to hear what they come up with.
Evan's story: There were three cheese burgers and a really ugly chicken bone....
He laughed for about 5 minutes about this. I laughed because he has the cutest accent when he says "ugly chicken bone."
Ian was telling me a story about his friend Ryan who is the quickest boy in his school. While he is telling me how fast he is he looks me dead in the eye and says, "He can even outrun the playground teacher." I thought this was hilarious because I just envisioned this kindergartner running full force away from the teacher, but in truth they were having a race.
I realized that my stories are all new to the boys. They sit there wide eyed and listen intently to me telling them about raccoons and baby bears and all the other things I have experienced in my 40 years. So, I have decided that I need to write these stories down regardless of how unexciting they might be to most people. To me they are my memories, and to my kids they are their mom's stories. I love my parents' stories. I loved my grandparents' stories. I love to hear stories about people and their lives. Maybe someday it will give the kids something to smile about. Something to remember me by. Something to remember themselves by. That is why I do all of this anyway. For me and for them. The story of our lives.
So, that is what I will be writing about. And then after I run out of those I am going to figure out what they want to know and write about that. Maybe you will all chime in and tell me your memories. I would love that.
Just last night my friend Ronda and I were sitting in her kitchen with her daughter Juliana who is 9 and she was asking us stories about our growing up together (Ronda was like a sister growing up, our parents used to get together every Friday night, and we took family vacations together and spent soo much time together). It was nice remembering things together and hearing how each of us remembered the same events too! Can't wait until we start to tell Vienna all of these stories too!
i remember when coral and lindsey and i were all little and we lived in the west linn house and coral and i use to go up into the little "attic" above our door. even though we were not aloud to. and draw pictures on the walls. i think amanda was to little .but lindsey tryed to get up there one time and i was trying to pull her up while coral was on the ground pushing her twords me. suddenly we hear moms voice coming closer. quickly without thinking (or caring) i dropped lindsey who went falling down on top of coral. i closed the door really fast. mom entered and asked "what are you guys doing?" corals little inocent voice saying "just playing with american dolls." and lindseys chubby smile. mom asked were i was and coral said she didn't know. while mom was looking for me i climbed down and sat on the floor hoping mom wouldn't notice i suddenly appeared there. haha.
she came back in and i dont remember what it said but it ended wiht " you guys are silly"
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