Friday, February 12, 2010

One of those things that makes me shake my head

Steve was reading David Livingstone to the boys last night and I was holding Evan. David's wife died and it mentioned that he had to bury her. Evan looks at me with his big green eyes and says, "I know someday I am going to have to bury you."

"You are going to have to bury me?"

"Ya, Ian and me."

So cut and dry. Where does his little mind come up with this stuff?


Katharine said...

I stumbled onto your blog and couldn't stop reading! I love your wit, your outlook, and your kids. Okay, so THIS post wasn't funny -- but it was very touching. Thanks for sharing! I'll be back.

Rebel Barista said...

I too, stumbled on your blog. I used to nanny and it's astounding the things young kids say. Very poignant post. :) I'll be back as well!

Anonymous said...

I also stumbled across your blog :) I'm a TA in for a head start program, its amazing the way kids think. I'll be back too!

Coral said...

I still can't beleive he said this. I can see his face right now looking at you and saying it in such a matter-of-fact way. He's so cute.
