Evan said, "I still need the hot fire. I needed the cold fire and then I needed the hot fire."
Evan has been pretty sick over the past week. Nasty cold. Now Ian has it. Last night when we were putting the boys to bed and we were figuring out where Ian was going to sleep, Evan made sure we knew he still needed the hot fire, and Ian would be fine with the cold fire.
I have been smothering Evan in Vicks. He just kind of laughs when it feels really cold on his chest and back. It reminded me of the first cold experience Steve had with my girls and me. Coral was talking about it Sunday night. I would Vicks them up and then zip them into their footy jamies. She still describes it as pure torcher. Steve remembers all four of them screaming as if I was trying to kill them and running around the house trying to get away from me, screaming at the top of their lungs. He still shakes his head over it and it was 10 years ago. I still shake my head at it because I can't believe he stuck around. Actually, I can because he is a good man, but that is another story. Evan doesn't scream but actually kind of likes it. Funny boy.
One of my other favorite remedies is a humidifier. I only had a cold-water humidifier because back in my girls' childhood days the hot ones grew bacteria, and with Amanda's asthmas, it wasn't worth the risk. But, I decided since hot-water humidifiers were still being made and hadn't been pulled for damaging young children, I would buy a hot-water humidifier. I wanted to put the liquid Vicks in it. Yes, I like Vicks. My poor kids.
Here is the translation:
Hot fire: The humidifier with hot steam.
Cold fire: The humidifier with cold steam.
We love Vic's here too, and our ENTIRE house smells of it at the moment! My girls LOVE having Vic's put on (cause it tickles them) Vienna fights it at first though and runs away giggling (cause it's fun) Ziva (whether she needs it or not) comes running pulling her shirt up and pointing to her belly grunting, she loves it. We've got a "hot fire" too in their room... but it came with no instructions, so I was doing it wrong for a while :) now that I have it figured out.... their room felt like Florida last night!! LOL
My dad used to tell us how his mother smeared goose grease on her kids' chests to fight colds. That was ancient medicine. I can't imagine how bad it smelled. Gag.
I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!
lovely blog.
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