Saturday, April 24, 2010


We are making and then planting a garden at Ryan and Coral's house. We, as in Steve, had to remove a section of the fence to get the truck in the backyard. Evan was doing his 5-year-old thing, standing under his daddy's feet when all of a sudden an 8-foot section of fence rose above his cute little head. It was almost slow motion as I watched it. Evan looked up, up, up and realized that it was HIS daddy that was lifting the fence. With his huge green eyes shinning, a big WOW! came out of his mouth.

Nothing quite like impressing your precious little one... and your wife for that matter. My goodness!

This is a good one to remember so that when his little boy looks at him like that someday, I can tell him this story.

Once again, my heart is melted.

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