Friday, August 05, 2011

Nursing, Nests, and Little Blue Pajamas

There are a few things I want to remember. I want to remember Evan walking around in his little blue pajama shorts with no shirt and his socks on and telling me how amazing it feels when he takes off his socks after a long day. I want to remember that when he sees his daddy looking at him through the kitchen window he says "daddy" with complete love and peace in his voice. I want to remember that when Ian and Evan feed Finny his bottle they ask him if he wants uncle to nurse him because they are so very very innocent. I want to remember that they think mommy cats come and find their kittens and take them back to their nest when it is time for bed. I want to remember because these are the things that take my breath away and make my heart skip a beat.When my children are all grown, I want to remember the emotions that only I can feel because they are my babies. I want to remember what it feels like to be their mommy.


Arlene said...

That feeling will always be with you, even when they're all grown up with families of their own. I know.^-^

im always here said...

i have yet to read a post that you have written that doesn't make me cry. your words are amazing mom. i love you

Unknown said...

I just loved this Shellie. Brought tears to my eyes. I SO relate! Lately I've been really digging my times with my little boy and realizing how precious those little things he does are! I try so hard to take a mental snapshot in my head of every little is so hard to see them grow. :) I have taken to writing down things he says (and the others but for some reason its usually him) I have a notepad on my fridge and write them down..I love looking back at some of them..we read em aloud and everyone laughs. :) You are a great mother Shellie! Your kids are blessed. SO sorry I never got back to you after that last phonecall. I've been meaning to walk over there and see you too. Its been so busy with me and school and kids home and running and trying to clean the house, stay organized, time with family, etc, etc, etc (eh!!!!)...but after August is over and school starts hopefully things will sloooow down. I am ready for it! Hope you're doing well sweet friend! Keep writing!!!