Today I used a drill bit for the first time and stripped out two screws with the screw gun which my husband then had to come and pry out of the wall. What I was trying to teach him through this whole incident was to do it himself. It takes him five times as long to correct my inability to use power tools then it would if he did it from the beginning. It is my secret weapon to get things done around the house. If I mess it up bad enough it will get fixed...hmmm.
My sister is coming in a week. You know what that means. I have an excuse to get all the little jobs done that I have been needing to do.
So, here is my secret tactic that seems to work really well. I try to do the job myself. I root around in the garage until I come up with something I think will do the job. By the time I find what I need I am near panic with frustration. I come in the house, take my inhaler, and say to my husband a few mumbly words he can't understand because his head is under the sink trying to repair my last "project". Then I get to start the job that I am not skilled at doing. I do not do well with screw guns as most of you already know.
I wanted a towel rack, a toilet paper holder, a hand towel rack, and handles put on the front of the cupboards in the kids bathroom. I cried out for help, and my patient husband came upstairs and proceeded to fix everything in sight. The problem was when I messed up one thing I would move onto the next thinking I could maybe do that one.
I do have to say that I am blessed to have a very handy, patient husband, and I should try to remember that. I get impatient sometimes. OK, the truth is I get impatient a lot. I should stick to the things I am good at, and let him do the things he is good at.
I surrender. I lay down the screw gun. It is a big sacrifice, but I think I can do it. Plus, the battery is dead.
Congratulations. You have discovered the best power tool of all -- a husband.
amen - A husband will definitly come to the rescue is the wifey can't do hubby does the same thing. Let me try to do it, then he fixes it. :)
OH MY GOODNESS I nearly pee'd reading this one!!! What's funny is I do tons of things around the house. I'm perfectly capable, my dad taught me well, but I too am impatient and tend to take short cuts (especially because when I ask my Sam to do it he, being the perfectionist that he is, takes... what in my estimation is... FOREVER!!!) But I usually leave it 'mickeymoused' for a while before I fix it or until Sam finds it and it drives him crazy until he's corrected it :) Humm... maybe I should start pointing those things out to him :) :) :)
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