Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...

Just a reminder of what we did to our yard.
Here is a before and after picture for you. We have been meaning to post it for awhile, but haven't taken the time. Wow, even I am impressed. Maybe our perfectionism pays off sometimes. Our grass looks fake it is so green, but I assure you it is real, and it likes the fact that it is not competing with rocks. We go out in our backyard almost every night and can't imagine it being any better. We are thankful.


Anonymous said...

If I lived in a tiny little house like that, I'd spend all my time out in the yard, too.

Hee hee.


Anonymous said...

I still say grass is only good for cattlefeed!


Shellie said...

Hey why are you guys being so mischievous this morning?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful job! All your hard work has really paid off.


SnowWhite said...

Hey it looks awesome well done guys,It feels great when you see it all finished doesn't it.
well done to you all

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! I'm as green as your grass with envy!!!! Right now our backyard looks like a weed plantation!!!